Unveiling the Threat: 10 Types of Cyberbullying

Unveiling the Threat: 10 Types of Cyberbullying

In the digital landscape that kids and teens navigate daily, cyberbullying is an ever-present concern. Shockingly, 38% of people experience cyberbullying daily, and a staggering 60% of parents with children aged 14 to 18 have encountered bullying issues. As we delve into the alarming realm of cyberbullying, parents and teachers must equip themselves with the knowledge to protect their children from becoming victims or inadvertently turning into bullies.

#1 Harassment: The Silent Aggressor

Online harassment, encompassing hurtful messages, threats, and constant insults, is a pervasive form of cyberbullying. Victims of harassment, estimated at four out of ten people globally, may suffer from depression, anxiety, and intense emotional turmoil.

#2 Cyberstalking: The Digital Shadow

A more sinister manifestation, cyberstalking involves monitoring a victim's online activities and, in extreme cases, can escalate to offline stalking—a criminal offense with severe consequences.

#3 Fraping: Facebook's Dark Joke

Derived from "Facebook" and "raping," fraping involves unauthorized posts on a victim's Facebook profile. While seemingly harmless, it can lead to reputational damage and legal repercussions.

#4 Masquerading: The Deceptive Impersonator

Cyberbullies become formidable opponents when using fake accounts to attack their victims. Parents must remain vigilant, educate their children about online privacy, and report any suspicious activities.

#5 Outing/Doxing: Unveiling Private Lives

Outing or doxing involves revealing private information online to humiliate victims. Parents must educate their children about the importance of safeguarding personal information and the potential legal consequences.

#6 Trickery: The Stranger's Web

Similar to outing, trickery involves a stranger creating a fake account to befriend victims, extract sensitive information, and use it against them.

#7 Dissing: Digital Reputation Assassination

Dissing entails spreading cruel details, inappropriate images, or fake news to tarnish a victim's reputation. Educating children about responsible online behavior is crucial in preventing dissing.

#8 Trolling: Provoking Chaos

Trolling involves malicious comments or introducing harmful content to upset social media friends and followers. Parents can employ privacy settings to protect their child's online reputation.

#9 Flaming: Direct Assault

Flaming entails direct attacks on victims, including threats, insults, and offensive messages. Parents should guide their children in choosing online groups free of cyberbullies.

#10 Exclusion: Digital Alienation

A subtle yet damaging form of cyberbullying, exclusion involves deliberately leaving a victim out of social groups or events, causing emotional distress. Parents should address this promptly, helping their child find supportive friends.

Safeguarding Your Child: The Skill Samurai Solution

To shield your child from the perils of cyberbullying, consider enrolling them in coding and STEM classes at Skill Samurai. These extracurricular programs not only teach valuable skills but also foster mutual respect, collaboration, and teamwork, creating a supportive community that shields children from cyberbullying threats.

Embrace the transformative power of Skill Samuraisign up your kids today to empower them with essential life skills, resilience, and a supportive environment that lasts into adulthood.