11 Strategies for Helping Your Child Excel at School

11 Strategies for Helping Your Child Excel at School

Back in 1988, when I was a Year 5 student, I struggled to keep pace with my classmates in maths. On days when we had maths, I'd feign illness just to avoid school. The dread was real. Looking back, I wish there had been more support available, though I don't fault my parents—they did the best they could with what they knew.

Decades later, with a wealth of knowledge on education, parenting, and psychology, we're better equipped. We even have the internet, something we didn't have back in my school days. Now a parent of four, I see the same challenges, but also new opportunities to support my children, who are pursuing diverse career paths.

As an educator, entrepreneur, and parent, I've picked up a few insights that I hope will aid your parenting journey:

  1. Be a Role Model: Your behaviour sets the benchmark for your children. Don't bemoan their tech use if you're glued to your phone at dinner. Remember, children mimic what they see.
  2. Foster Independent Thinking: Instead of solving every problem for them, encourage your children to think critically. When they ask, "Where's my school bag?", prompt them with, "Good question, where do you think it could be?"
  3. Emphasize Time-Outs: Teach your children the importance of stepping back and rejuvenating, especially in today's always-connected world.
  4. Cultivate Gratitude: Shift perspectives from the negative to the positive. Instead of lamenting about the rain, appreciate its scent. Gratitude is linked to happiness and resilience.
  5. Normalize Challenges: Use obstacles as teaching moments to build character and problem-solving skills. Discuss potential solutions together to help your child learn to navigate difficulties.
  6. Set Goals: Help your child understand the value of having goals and a vision, which are crucial for a meaningful life.
  7. Encourage Skill Development: In a tech-driven world, versatile skills like coding, problem-solving, and critical thinking are essential. Encourage your child to explore diverse interests through courses and activities.
  8. Teach Teamwork and Leadership: Beyond academics, social skills and leadership are vital. Encourage activities that foster these skills, such as sports, student council, or coding camps.
  9. Boost Analytical Skills: In a future shaped by automation and technology, critical thinking will remain a uniquely human asset. Engage your child in activities that develop these skills, like brain games or coding.
  10. Strengthen Fundamental Skills: Reading, writing, and maths are foundational. Utilise apps and STEM education to make learning these skills engaging and relevant.
  11. Introduce Coding: Coding is not just for future tech professionals. It develops logical thinking and problem-solving skills, making it a valuable skill for any career.

As parents, starting early can make a significant difference in your child's development. Engage in activities that build practical skills and decision-making capabilities from a young age. By integrating these 11 strategies into your parenting, you'll provide a solid foundation for your child's success and resilience.

Let's empower our children to thrive in an ever-changing world. Your involvement at home, in their social circles, and in their educational environment is key to fostering their growth and helping them navigate life's challenges. Consider after-school programs like Skill Samurai, which offer technology-focused learning opportunities tailored to young learners, helping them develop relevant 21st-century skills.

Start your child on the path to success today and watch them grow into capable and confident individuals. Visit us now. 

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