How to prepare my child for High School Maths

"The Ultimate Parent's Guide to Preparing Your Child for Secondary School Maths"


I. IntroductionA. Importance of preparing for the transition to secondary school mathsB. Overview of the challenges faced by students in secondary school mathsC. Purpose of the guide for parents
II. Understanding the Maths Curriculum in Secondary SchoolA. Key concepts and topics covered in secondary school mathsB. Overview of the maths teaching approach in secondary schoolC. Explanation of the assessment and evaluation process in secondary school maths
III. Building a Strong Maths FoundationA. Importance of developing strong arithmetic skillsB. Strategies for improving problem-solving and critical thinking skillsC. Tips for encouraging a growth mindset towards maths
IV. Supporting Your Child at HomeA. Importance of parental involvement in maths educationB. Simple activities and games to reinforce maths concepts at homeC. How to provide effective feedback and encouragement for your child's maths progress
V. Enhancing Your Child's Learning ExperienceA. Importance of finding a suitable study environmentB. How to use technology and online resources to support maths learningC. Explanation of extra-curricular activities and programs that can enhance maths skills
VI. Importance of Parent-Teacher CommunicationA. The role of communication in ensuring your child's success in mathsB. How to build a positive relationship with your child's maths teacherC. 10 great questions to ask your child's new maths teacher (+ Bonus Question)
VII. ConclusionB. Final thoughts and advice for parentsC. Encouragement for parents to support their child's maths journey
Bonus Checklist: Ultimate Parent Checklist: Preparing Your Child for Secondary School Maths


Students struggling in maths start high school up to five years behind advanced peers

Sydney Morning Herald – October 2022

The transition from primary to secondary school can be a daunting time for children, especially when it comes to maths. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, students who struggle with maths in primary school can start high school up to five years behind their advanced peers. This is a staggering thought, but the reality is, if your child is struggling with primary school maths, they'll not only be starting from behind, but they'll likely be up to five years behind their fellow students.

Importance of Preparing for the Transition to Secondary School Maths

Making the transition to secondary school is a significant milestone in a child's education, and it is important to ensure they are well-prepared for the challenges ahead. Maths is a critical subject that is fundamental to many areas of life and can open up many opportunities for children. By preparing your child early and providing the necessary support, you can help them build the confidence and resilience they need to succeed in their maths studies.
Preparation for secondary school maths begins long before the first day of school, and it is important for parents to be proactive in ensuring their child is ready. This guide will provide parents with a comprehensive and informative checklist to help their child prepare for the transition to secondary school maths, from building a strong foundation of skills to developing an active learning approach. Whether your child is a maths whiz or a reluctant learner, this guide will help them to achieve their full potential and succeed in their studies.

Challenges Faced by Students in Secondary School Maths

Many students face significant challenges when making the transition to secondary school maths, and it is important for parents to understand what these challenges are and how they can help. Here are some of the most common challenges faced by students in secondary school maths:
● Difficulty with abstract concepts - Secondary school maths introduces students to more abstract concepts, such as algebra and calculus, which can be challenging for those who haven't been exposed to these ideas before.● Poor foundation in basic maths skills - A weak foundation in basic maths skills, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, can make it difficult for students to understand more complex concepts.● Lack of confidence in their ability to solve problems - Maths can be a daunting subject for many students, especially if they have struggled in the past. This lack of confidence can make it challenging for them to approach problems with a positive attitude.● Limited exposure to real-life applications of maths - Many students are unaware of how maths is used in everyday life, which can make it seem less relevant to them.● Negative experiences with maths in the past - If a student has had negative experiences with maths in the past, they may be intimidated by the subject and reluctant to engage with it.
By understanding the challenges faced by students in secondary school maths, parents can be better equipped to provide the support their child needs to succeed. This guide will provide practical advice and strategies to help parents prepare their child for the transition to secondary school maths, and ensure they have the best chance of success.

Importance of Early Intervention and Tutors in Primary School Maths

Early intervention is key when it comes to helping students succeed in maths. If your child is struggling with maths in primary school, it is essential that they receive support as soon as possible.
This support can come in many forms, including extra help from their teacher or a maths tutor (especially tutors that use proven maths teaching programs like the “MathCode Method”).
Maths Tutors can play a particularly important role in helping students prepare for secondary school maths. By working with a tutor, your child can receive one-on-one attention and receive help in areas where they are struggling. Tutors can also help students develop good study habits and a positive attitude towards maths, which will set them up for success in secondary school.
Perhaps my mother's old saying can be applied to this: 
An ounce of prevention (and preparation in primary school) is worth a pound of cure (playing a stressful game of catchup).
Early intervention and tutoring can make a huge difference in helping students prepare for the transition to secondary school maths. By taking advantage of these resources, parents can help their child build the confidence and skills they need to succeed with confidence. 

Understanding the Maths Curriculum in Secondary School

Key Concepts and Topics Covered in Secondary School Maths

In secondary school, maths builds on the foundations laid in primary school and becomes more complex and abstract. Students will study a range of mathematical concepts including numbers and algebra, measurement and geometry, statistics and probability. Some of the key topics covered in secondary school maths include:
• Algebraic expressions and equations• Functions and graphs• Trigonometry• Statistics and data analysis• Probability• Geometry and spatial reasoning• Measurement and units of measurement
It is important for parents to understand what their child will be learning in secondary school maths so they can better support them in their studies. If you’re like most parents, it’s completely normal to feel ‘out of your depth’. Later in this guide, we’ll share 10 questions you can ask your child's maths teacher to ensure you are adequately supporting your child. 

The Maths Teaching Approach in Secondary School

In secondary school, the focus is on developing students' mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. This is achieved through a combination of direct instruction, independent and group work, and real-life problem solving. Teachers will use a variety of teaching methods to engage students, including hands-on activities, visual aids, and technology.

In addition to learning mathematical concepts, students will also develop key skills such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. These skills are essential for success not only in maths, but in many other areas of life as well.

Explanation of the Assessment and Evaluation Process in Secondary School Maths

In secondary school, the focus is on developing students' mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. This is achieved through a combination of direct instruction, independent and group work, and real-life problem solving. Teachers will use a variety of teaching methods to engage students, including hands-on activities, visual aids, and technology.

In addition to learning mathematical concepts, students will also develop key skills such as critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. These skills are essential for success not only in maths, but in many other areas of life as well.

Assessment and Evaluation Process in Secondary School Maths

Secondary school maths is typically assessed through a combination of formal assessments such as tests, exams, and assignments, as well as informal assessments such as classwork, homework, and class discussions.
Formal assessments are usually weighted more heavily and are used to evaluate a student's understanding of mathematical concepts and their ability to apply that understanding to solve problems. Tests and exams may cover a range of topics studied over a period of time, while assignments may be more focused on specific areas of study.
Informal assessments are used to monitor a student's progress and understanding of mathematical concepts on a regular basis. This may include classwork, homework, and class discussions. These assessments provide teachers with valuable feedback on what a student does and does not understand and can inform future teaching and learning.
The assessment process in secondary school maths is designed to provide a comprehensive picture of a student's understanding and ability. It is important for parents to understand the assessment process so they can support their child in their studies and stay informed about their progress.

Thirty-six per cent of Australian primary school teachers said many of their students were beginning high school without important foundational skills in maths such as knowing their times tables...

Oxford University Press, 2022


Building a Strong Maths Foundation

Importance of Developing Strong Arithmetic Skills

Arithmetic skills form the foundation for all areas of mathematics. It is crucial for students to have a strong grasp of basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in order to be successful in secondary school maths. These skills are used every day, not just in the classroom, and they are essential for solving more complex mathematical problems. Parents can help their child develop strong arithmetic skills by providing regular opportunities for them to practice these operations, and by encouraging them to seek help when they are struggling.
Here are 5 activities for developing strong arithmetic skills in kids:
1. Practice, practice, practice: Regularly practicing arithmetic problems is one of the best ways to develop strong arithmetic skills. Encourage your child to practice math problems every day, whether through worksheets, online resources, or mental math exercises.2. Hands-on activities: Engage kids in hands-on activities that help them understand arithmetic concepts. For example, have them use manipulatives like blocks or coins to learn about addition and subtraction, or use measuring tools to learn about fractions and decimals.3. Real-life applications: Connect arithmetic concepts to real-life situations to help kids understand the practical applications of what they are learning. For example, have them use arithmetic to figure out how much money they would need to buy a specific item or how much time it would take to complete a task.4. Games and puzzles: Play arithmetic-based games and puzzles with your child to help them learn and practice arithmetic skills in a fun and engaging way. There are many online resources, board games, and apps available that focus on arithmetic skills.5. Timed drills: Timed drills can be a fun and effective way to help kids improve their arithmetic speed and accuracy. Set a timer for a specific amount of time and have your child solve as many arithmetic problems as they can in that time. Gradually increase the amount of time as their skills improve.

Strategies for Improving Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are essential for success in maths, and they can be developed through practice and guidance. Parents can help their child improve their problem-solving skills by encouraging them to approach problems in different ways, and by teaching them how to break down problems into smaller parts. They can also help their child develop critical thinking skills by encouraging them to ask questions, make connections, and think outside the box.
Here are 5 strategies for improving problem-solving and critical thinking skills in kids:
1. Encouraging experimentation and exploration: Encourage kids to try different approaches to solve problems, and to experiment with different ideas and concepts. This will help them develop their problem-solving skills and become more confident in their ability to find solutions.2. Learning to code: Coding is a great way to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. By learning to code, kids learn how to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts and how to come up with solutions step-by-step.3. Encouraging inquiry and curiosity: Encourage kids to ask questions and explore the world around them. By fostering curiosity and a love for learning, you'll help them develop their critical thinking skills and become more confident in their ability to solve problems.4. Playing games and puzzles: Games and puzzles are great ways to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. By playing these types of games, kids learn how to think creatively and find solutions to complex problems.5. Encouraging collaboration: Encourage kids to work together with their peers to solve problems. Collaboration helps kids learn how to communicate their ideas effectively and how to work with others to find solutions. By working together, kids will develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as important social skills.

Tips for Encouraging a Growth Mindset towards Maths

Having a growth mindset towards maths is crucial for success. A growth mindset means having a positive attitude towards learning, and a belief that one can improve with effort. Parents can encourage a growth mindset in their child by praising their efforts, rather than just their abilities, and by helping them see mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. They can also encourage their child to embrace challenges, and to persevere through difficult tasks. By helping their child develop a growth mindset towards maths, parents can set them up for success in secondary school and beyond.
Here are 5 tips/strategies for helping kids develop a growth mindset:
1. Focus on effort and progress, not just ability: Praise your child for their efforts, hard work, and progress, rather than just their abilities. This will help them see that their efforts and hard work lead to improvement and success.2. Embrace challenges: Encourage your child to take on challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as a threat. Help them see that challenges are normal, and that they can learn from their mistakes and setbacks.3. Encourage perseverance: Teach your child that perseverance and determination are key to success. Help them see that they can achieve their goals by continuing to work hard and persevere, even when things get difficult.4. Teach the power of learning from mistakes: Encourage your child to see mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as a source of shame or frustration. Teach them that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that everyone does it, including successful people.5. Foster a love for learning: Help your child develop a love for learning by encouraging their interests, and by providing them with opportunities to explore new subjects and skills. The more your child enjoys learning, the more likely they are to have a growth mindset towards maths and other subjects.


Supporting Your Child at Home

Importance of parental involvement in maths education

As a parent, your role in supporting your child's education is crucial, especially in the critical subject of maths. Research has shown that when parents are actively involved in their child's maths education, the child's performance and confidence in the subject improves. You can support your child by providing a positive attitude towards maths and helping them to develop the right study habits, attitudes and skills.
Simple activities and games to reinforce maths concepts at home.
Incorporating fun activities and games into your child's daily routine can help reinforce their understanding of maths concepts and keep them engaged in the subject. Here are some simple activities that you can try at home:

Cooking or baking - measurements and fractions can be easily incorporated into recipes.
Playing board games - games like Monopoly or Snakes and Ladders can help improve counting and probability skills.
Building and constructing - activities like building with blocks or solving jigsaw puzzles can help develop spatial awareness and reasoning skills.
Daily routines - incorporate maths into your daily routines such as telling the time, counting money, or counting steps.
Counting and sorting - sorting and counting objects such as coins, toys, or buttons can help develop basic arithmetic skills.

How to provide effective feedback and encouragement for your child's maths progress

Positive feedback and encouragement can make a big difference to a child's confidence and motivation in maths. Here are some tips for providing effective feedback:
• Celebrate their efforts, not just their achievements.• Give specific and constructive feedback.• Emphasise the process rather than just the outcome.• Foster a growth mindset by encouraging your child to embrace challenges and see mistakes as opportunities to learn.• Be supportive and encourage your child to ask for help if they are struggling with a concept.

Enhancing Your Child's Learning Experience

Importance of Finding a Suitable Study Environment

It's important for children to have a study environment that is conducive to learning and helps them focus. This can be a quiet and well-lit room, a dedicated desk or table, or even a comfortable spot in the living room. Encourage your child to find a place that works best for them and let them personalise it to their liking.

Use Technology and Online Resources to Support Maths Learning

The use of technology can greatly enhance your child's maths learning experience, after all, kids love technology and jump at any chance to use it! There are numerous online resources and apps available that can help reinforce maths concepts in an interactive and engaging way. Here’s my free parent hack: Sign up to free trials for online maths software/products and let your child find something that they really love. 

Extra-Curricular Activities and Programs That Can Enhance Maths Skills

There are many extra-curricular activities and programs that can enhance your child's maths skills. For example, participating in a maths club, attending a robotics or coding class, or even participating in a maths competition can all help your child develop their mathematical abilities in a fun and engaging way. It's also a great way for them to meet other children who share their interests and can provide opportunities for mentorship and peer learning. 
Check out the MathCode Method, it’s maths tuition, supercharged. A revolutionary program that combines curriculum aligned maths lessons with computer coding! It keeps kids engaged while strengthening learning outcomes. 


Importance of Parent-Teacher Communication

The role of communication in ensuring your child's success in maths

One of the keys to your child's success in maths is open and regular communication between parents and teachers. By working together, you can ensure that your child is getting the support they need to build a strong foundation in maths and achieve their full potential.
How to build a positive relationship with your child's maths teacher
Building a positive relationship with your child's maths teacher is crucial for ensuring your child's success in maths. Here are a few tips for fostering a positive relationship:
• Attend parent-teacher conferences and offer to meet with the teacher regularly.
• Communicate openly and respectfully with the teacher, and be willing to listen to their perspective.
• Support the teacher's efforts by reinforcing what your child is learning at home.
• Be proactive in addressing any concerns or challenges that arise.

10 great questions to ask your child's new maths teacher

Meeting with your child's new maths teacher is a great opportunity to get to know them and understand how they approach teaching maths. Here are 10 questions that can help you start positive conversations:
1. What is your teaching philosophy for maths?2. How do you engage and motivate students in maths?3. How do you differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students?4. What resources and technology do you use to support maths learning?5. How do you assess student progress in maths?6. How do you communicate with parents about their child's maths progress?7. What strategies do you use to help students who are struggling with maths?8. How do you encourage a growth mindset towards maths?9. What is your approach to problem-solving and critical thinking in maths?10. Are there any extra-curricular activities or programs that you recommend to support maths skills?
Bonus Question:
11. What do you recommend I do at home (as a parent) to support the work you are doing in the classroom? In other words, how can I help support you? 

Final Thoughts and Advice for Parents

As a parent, you play a crucial role in your child's maths education. Encourage them, support them, and most importantly, be there for them. Helping your child to overcome any obstacles and achieve success in maths takes patience, understanding, and commitment, but it will be well worth it. With the right guidance and resources, your child can develop a positive attitude towards maths and achieve their full potential.
Remember, maths is a journey, not a destination. The skills and knowledge your child will gain from secondary school maths will serve them well in the future, regardless of their chosen career path. So, embrace the journey with your child and be proud of their achievements, big or small. With your support, they will be able to reach their full potential and enjoy the journey along the way.


Ultimate Parent Checklist: Preparing Your Child for Secondary School Maths

📚 Understanding the Maths Curriculum:
✔️ Familiarise yourself with the key concepts and topics covered in secondary school maths
✔️ Learn about the maths teaching approach in secondary school
✔️ Understand the assessment and evaluation process in secondary school maths

🧠 Building a Strong Maths Foundation:
✔️ Encourage development of strong arithmetic skills
✔️ Implement strategies to improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills
✔️ Nurture a growth mindset towards maths

🏠 Supporting Your Child at Home:
✔️ Get involved in your child's maths education
✔️ Reinforce maths concepts at home through simple activities and games
✔️ Provide effective feedback and encouragement for your child's maths progress

💻 Enhancing Your Child's Learning Experience:
✔️ Create a suitable study environment
✔️ Use technology and online resources to support maths learning
✔️ Consider extra-curricular activities and programs that can enhance maths skills

📞 Importance of Parent-Teacher Communication:
✔️ Maintain open communication with your child's maths teacher
✔️ Build a positive relationship with your child's maths teacher
✔️ Ask great questions to your child's new maths teacher

🎓 Celebrate, support and nurture:
✔️ Encourage and support your child's efforts in maths
✔️ Celebrate your child's progress and success in maths.

Check out the MathCode Method, it’s maths tuition, supercharged. A revolutionary program that combines curriculum aligned maths lessons with computer coding! It keeps kids engaged while strengthening learning outcomes. 
