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Skill Samurai Behaviour Policy

At Skill Samurai, we believe that a positive, respectful environment is essential for effective learning and personal growth. Our Behaviour Policy is designed to ensure that all students feel safe, supported, and valued while participating in our programs.
1. Respect and KindnessWe expect all students to treat each other, as well as staff members, with respect and kindness. This includes:
● Using polite and positive language.● Listening to others and valuing their opinions.● Refraining from any form of bullying, teasing, or exclusion.
2. ResponsibilityStudents are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and understand the impact of their behaviour on others. This means:
● Following instructions from educators promptly.● Taking care of the learning environment, equipment, and materials.● Acknowledging and correcting mistakes in a constructive manner.
3. SafetyThe safety of all students and staff is our top priority. Students must:
● Follow all safety guidelines provided by staff.● Avoid any actions that could harm themselves or others.● Report any unsafe situations or concerns to an educator immediately.
4. Engagement and ParticipationActive participation in activities is key to a successful learning experience. Students are encouraged to:
● Engage fully in all tasks and activities.● Ask questions and seek help when needed.● Support peers in their learning journey.
5. Unacceptable BehaviourWhile we focus on positive reinforcement, it’s important for parents and students to understand what types of behaviour are not acceptable. Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to:
● Bullying or Harassment: Any form of physical, verbal, or emotional bullying, including cyberbullying, is strictly prohibited.● Aggressive or Violent Behaviour: Physical aggression, threats, or any form of violence toward others.● Disruptive Behaviour: Actions that significantly disrupt the learning environment, such as repeated interruptions, refusal to follow instructions, or inappropriate language.● Damage to Property: Deliberate damage to school or personal property.● Theft: Taking something that does not belong to you without permission.
6. Consequences of Unacceptable BehaviourWe understand that children are learning and growing, and we approach behaviour management with empathy and support. However, certain behaviours may require consequences to maintain a positive environment. These consequences may include:
● Verbal Warning: A gentle reminder to correct behaviour.● Time-Out or Reflection Time: A brief period away from the group to reflect on their behaviour.● Loss of Privileges: Temporary removal from an activity or special privilege.● Parental Involvement: If the behaviour continues or is severe, parents or guardians will be contacted to discuss the behaviour and develop a plan for improvement.● Behaviour Agreement: For ongoing issues, a formal agreement may be created, outlining expected behaviour and consequences for non-compliance.● Suspension or Removal from Camp: In cases of severe or repeated unacceptable behaviour, a student may be temporarily suspended or asked to leave the camp. This is a last resort, and we will work closely with parents to avoid reaching this stage.
7. Support and Positive ReinforcementWe believe in encouraging good behaviour through positive reinforcement. Students who consistently display respect, responsibility, and active engagement will be recognised and celebrated. This might include:
● Praise and recognition during camp.● Certificates or awards for positive behaviour.● Opportunities for leadership roles within the group.
Our team is committed to working with each child to help them understand the importance of their actions and to support them in making better choices in the future. By fostering a culture of respect, responsibility, and safety, we aim to create an environment where every student can thrive.
Thank you for your support in upholding these values and ensuring a successful experience for all. For more detailed information, or if you have any concerns, please feel free to contact the Centre Manager.